Career Ladder Consulting Services

Career Ladder Consulting Services
More opportunities for everyone.

About Us

Career Ladder is a premier staffing & recruitment solution company known for “definite results”. We improve the overall productivity of companies by sourcing the right candidate through our professional search process at lowest turnaround time. Over the years we have helped many companies from leading global corporations to small startups in finding the right talent. Career Ladder is a Privately held Human Capital Solutions Company specializing in Pan India Executive Search and Selection, Recruitment Process Outsourcing and Human Resources Consulting across industries. Career Ladder Consulting Services is a boutique staffing company starting in 2020. Career Ladder Consulting Services has been immensely successful in creating a Pan India network of highly adept intelligent workforce that can help a company achieve their mission-critical projects and goals.

Recruitment Services

Human Resource Outsourcing (HRO)

Training & Development



Benefits Of Career Ladder Consulting Services Staff Augmentation Services


Whether you are a start-up or growing business you need experienced and skilled resources. After months of research, you find a suitable fit, but the candidate is over your budget. Another candidate who fits in the budget, but has lesser skills and experiences. Despite not finding the desirable talent you have to bear the operational cost and pain which includes providing workstation, and employment visa, relocation allowance, medical benefits, family supports, accommodation, taxes, and other benefits. In addition, you need to consider the personal growth of the candidate by providing professional training, promotion, performance appraisals, extracurricular activities and more. Considering all this does it seem to be cost-effective? We at Career Ladder can get you all that you need in three times lesser than the cost of hiring the right resources for your business. Persystent Consultancy provide’s the best staff augmentation services so that you do not have to bear the hassle. You hire a resource or a team of developers from our talented pool and start managing them directly without any liabilities of being the employer. It is a flexible outsourcing strategy that enables the company to hire talent globally and manage the augmented team directly. You would be the one who chooses the candidate that fits your requirements and you also have the choice to cut or extend your augmented team whenever you need to. Recruitment firms help you find and add the skilled resources to your in-house team on either short or long-term basis. As these resources are hired directly by the firm, the cost and liability of making new full-time hiring is eliminated from your to-do list. We will provide your resource or team with a seamless environment and connectivity convenient to your business. They’ll works according to your time zone so that you don’t have to worry about the time zone. All this while you continue to remain cost-effective and focused on the growth of your business. We at MTC offer resources skilled with latest technologies like
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Hiring flexibility

It is always critical to have the exact amount of staff at any given time to meet the business demands. Sometimes the business demands extensive resources for a particular department while sometimes the same department can do just well with lesser employees. In such cases, the business suffers with the excessively higher or lower number of permanent employees. With Career Ladder Consulting Services Staff Augmentation services you will have the flexibility to meet changing staff demands.

Cost Efficiency

Our Staff augmentation service has an extremely transparent cost structure. You would not have to worry about the administrative and organizational expenses such as office space, allotting work stations and other facilities. You only have to pay the fee and the vendor takes care of everything. Meanwhile, you have the opportunity to focus on the main business model rather than managing the additional staff.

Hiring for Specialized Roles

In few cases, specialized skill sets may be required for one project or business need but the same skills might not be necessary in the future. We are there for you in such cases – shop for a specific skill set without giving the commitment to utilize the same skill set in future. the company from an intensive recruitment procedure and makes it possible for the business to get temporary help at lower costs.

Scale Staff According to Needs

While being understaffed can be challenging, being overstaffed can be an equally tough situation. Having to lay off talented employees can be emotionally taxing for all involved and can blemish a company’s reputation if employees get the feeling that they all are replaceable. Staff augmentation makes it possible to temporarily upgrade staff numbers so that it’s not necessary to scale down after demand has been fulfilled.

Sustained control and management

While firms benefit from the professionals provided through vendors, they still retain total control over their work and management. In contrast to project outsourcing where the entire workings of a project are transferred to an external unit, advantages of staff augmentation ensures that only the human resourcing sourced to the external agency. The management still remains in hand. The control over management allows firms to maintain a stronghold over their projects and shape them in any desired manner. Project outsourcing often leaves out parent companies from any say in the management and execution of a project.

Why Choose Us

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Satisfied Client
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We are associated with Career Ladder from 2020 and we are very happy about their service. They are serving all our recruitment needs and given best candidates always. Mr Uday & Ms. Sonali are very cooperative and supportive.
Abhishek Mishra
Client - Company formation
“A trusted partner that delivers the highest results. We consider Career Ladder as our trusted partner. Career Ladder team has great knowledge of our business and a deep understating of our culture,which have positively impacted our business relationship through many many successful placements, especially at the C-level.

Sumit Mittal
Client - Company formation
“I have interacted with Career Ladder both as a client and as a candidate. As a client, Career Ladder approach is that of a true business partnership. Career Ladder have supported our business in establishing a solid talent base over the past 3 years by helping us in sourcing and selecting the right talent.. Furthermore, with a very professional team, the HR insights, field studies Career Ladder supported us in shaping many of our internal HR initiatives. In as Career Ladder , I feel I am dealing with an integrated HR Consultancy. It is a company that has great people yet it is not a one man

Shiela David
Client - Company formation